27 November 2007

How could a parent do such a thing?!

A couple of weeks ago, I first heard about the story of "Baby Grace", and it made me sad to hear about the death of this little girl and the circumstances in which she was found.

This is not the first we have heard of such an unimaginable atrocity, but it is still hard to take it all in when its all over the news. Then, as the story unfolded and the details of her death were revealed, it really made me sad and angry that her own mother took part in the beating and death of her own child.

Something has changed society, altering our minds, our chemistry into these monsters that have children and then leave them to fend for themselves or worse, hurt them violently. What really gets me is that afterward, these parents think they can just go on as if nothing happened.

This is a terrible tragedy that happened to everyone involved in this story and I hate to even think that "there's nothing new under the sun" and that something like this has happened before and is likely to happen again.

I pray for the child that she finally is in a place where she can rest and I'm sure the parents will have what's coming to them when they get to prison.

1 comment:

MelissaQ said...

I know, I just cant believe it, and then when I heard this morning more details of what they did to the baby I had to hold my tears back, Kayla was right in the kitchen. Thank God she didnt hear the gory details. I wouldnt be able to explain that to her. How could any one do such a thing to such an inocent soul???
Keep up the good Work!