28 February 2008

I've been MIA for a while...

but, I'm baaaack!

Ok, ok - I know no one really missed me, so I'm not going to expect a grand Welcome back, but it would be nice ;)

I have been so busy at my job, that I've actually had to work my full 8 hours a day and then some, which in turn took away from my "blog" time. I've had some interesting stories to share, but with all the knowledge I've been forced to retain at work, I've forgotten what I was going to say.

I'm expecting to get my income tax check tomorrow (yay for me!) so this weekend will be filling with an exciting shopping extravaganza! Not really - I am not a compulsive spender, buyer or gambler. I will hord that money until the next refund is due. I do have a list of items I need to get and a few things I WILL splurge on, but then the rest is on lockdown.

Soccer season has started again (futbol for those who prefer the correct term) and they are jam packing in the games this time around. This weekend alone there are three games scheduled - but they are so much fun I am not complaining. A busy schedule just makes relaxing on my days off hard to do.

I'm really supposed to be working my tail off right now with the 30+ projects we have going on, but I woke up very unmotivated this morning. I am hungry and tired and all I can think about right now is Taco Bueno. I don't know why, but they must put drugs in their food or something because to me it is completely addictive. I could go there everyday and eat if it didn't make my ass as wide as the state of Texas.

Speaking of weight, I have put on a considerable amount of weight in the last 2 years and its really starting to bug me. I'm not one of these people that just bitches about it and does nothing - I used to work out everyday very vigorously. Lately I haven't had a lot of time to myself with my demanding son, my demanding job, chores and attempting to have a personal life. Now that things are settling I think its time to join a gym and get busy on getting back in shape. In 2 months I'll be back at my norm and then I'll find something else to work on. Of course, that likely means my blog will suffer once again. Er, maybe not.

Anyway, I'm glad I had this opportunity to at least get a couple of entries end before the months end and say that I haven't given up.

Take care!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was starting to get concerned. Glad you're back.