13 December 2007

"It's Not Enough..."

It's Not Enough...

It's not enough to be smart,
you have to look like a model too
the quote "beauty is only skin deep"
turned out to be SO true

It's not enough to have a big heart
unless you've got the tits to compare
it becomes an obsession to look good for him
believe me, I know, I've been there

"If only I could look like them-
I wouldn't feel this guilt and shame"
'cause I'm not as pretty, I can't compete
but it's not just men who are to blame

Everytime you turn around
another female takes off her clothes
now, so many men expect from women
to act like kinky hoes

Still, I hold certain morals
there's a lot that I won't do
but I'm giving in little by little
just to have the likes of you

I blame you and you, and then there's me
hell, I blame everyone - it's all the same
we have all fallen victim, we've been brainwashed
to play this silly, sexist game

My ex had some issues with pornography and an obsession with sex, and it made me feel like I wasn't good enough...but that's not true. Men have a one track mind and most of the time they're thinking about sex. It took me a long time to be comfortable with myself, just the way GOD intended me to be.

I contemplated plastic surgery for years - but after watching several hours of that Dr. 90210 show, I decided it was not for me...and not to mention that I didn't have the money to do it anyway!

I would like to hear from someone that has had plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. I want to know if it was worth it and if it made you feel better about yourself then, and if you still feel good about your decision today.

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