05 December 2007

Wow, I've been tagged!

So, tagging is a good thing, I hear. A friendly blogger has linked me on their blog, so now it's my turn to share the love.

There are 4 questions that are posted that are to be answered when tagged, and I will proceed to tag 5 other bloggers. The cycle continues, and hopefully this will bring more traffic and readers to my site so maybe one day I can become the successful blogger that I strive to be. (Not sure why I strive for this, but maybe I'm just hungry for more success!)

Here are the 4 questions that were posed to me and my responses:

1) What did you accomplish this past week?

I accomplished to make it to Roswell, NM and back without being abducted by aliens, and without hurting anyone in the process (well, not physically anyway). For those of you that don't know me personally, I am a very angry person on most occasions and a daily threat from me is very common. I'll elaborate more in another post... next question.

2) Did anything not go as expected?

Hmm, no everything was just as I thought it would be.

I was bored as usual. My mom lives there and that is the only reason I continue to visit my birthplace because honestly, the small town is just not my cup of tea and the "alien attaction" is not at all attracting me to continue to go there. I do still find it funny to tell people "I arrived in Roswell in 1977" rather than to say I was born in 1977. Some people still find it slightly amusing when I say it.
I went to the souvenier shops and bought the cheesiest things I could find. A light up yo-yo with an alien face sticker, 2 shot glasses (one with a spaceship and one with the same alien face) and a keychain that says "get probed")because all the "good stuff" was sold out! Imagine that...

I'm not sure I can elaborate much more cuz I'm not sure who's reading this and I don't want offend anyone in particular, but I'll just say it was not a fun trip.

3) What was the highlight of your week?

Oooh, now this past week I adopted a cute little kitten for my son and I as an early Christmas gift. Her name is Tink (as in Tinkerbell) and she is a 2 month old blue domestic shorthair (blue being a blue gray color... she's not really blue, ha ha ha but it would be really cute if she was). Oh, and coming home from my trip to Roswell, because I can't reiterate enough how much I really don't like that place. It's just not for me.

4) Did anything exciting happen that you did not expect?
No, not really. Nothing exciting happened in Roswell, and I'm still waiting for something exciting to happen here at home.

So, that's it for me. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get tagged again and I'll have more interesting things to talk about.

These are the 5 blogs that I'm tagging...

1) Here I am
2) All about the green
3) Everyone's reading it
4) Random good stuff
5) The Hipmommy's place

check them out and have a great day...everyday!

1 comment:

MelissaQ said...

HAHAHA, I think your a funny alien Jelly!

good job! you are so funny.... in a good way