19 January 2008

What's all the fuss about Smorty?

I recently signed up with a service where you can get paid for blogging. If you have not heard of Smorty yet, let me tell you a little about this site. Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers who like to blog for money. I know I don’t mind making a few extra dollars here and there for blog advertising. So far, it has been very easy to signup and there are several opportunities available as soon as your blog is approved. There are a few rules that are very simple to follow.

First, there is a minimum requirement of 150 words and a maximum of 400 for blog entry approval. For some of us, that should be no problem - because if you get as excited as I do about making money, then you won’t have any issues coming up with the minimum.

Second, all posts must be written using correct grammar, so be sure that spell check is on. My suggestion is to type up your post in Word first, then paste it after you have checked your word count and spelling.

Next, your blog post must remain online and be permanent. Also, your blog must appear either as one of the recent blog entries on your home page, or be a clear link accessible from your home page.

These are very simple rules to follow, so why not give it a whirl and try out Smorty.

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